Blog Archive

Monday, February 3, 2014

My Business Life

Hello and happy Monday to everyone,
I hope you are dreading it less and enjoying a new week more.
I recently had a shout out from one my clients, Robin Botie
and I thought because she linked it to my personal blog vs my marketing blog 
I would do a little blog post!

So Hello to anyone new visiting, and welcome!
I am available to answer any questions you may have but let me start by saying;
*If you are looking to get noticed, whether you are an individual or business
*if you are not sure why or how social networks is necessary,
and *if you simply don't have the time to get new traffic to your business/image or make your numbers climb,
You want me

People are online for anything and everything now a days. 
They google just about anything possible. 
so it's good to be really connected and to show a strong web presence, so people can first find you and then share you!

I am your best friend when it comes to this.
 I think Robin can vouch for me and say that I've really helped her understand the importance of all these networks, slowly but surely helped her learn how to use them and because she's so busy to begin with, take it off her hands and do it for her. 
Robin was only on Facebook when we started and now she has connections and followers, and is on several different networks that are beneficial for her purpose.
This is a really good thing.
To Follow her yourself:

Certain businesses or people will find certain networks more beneficial in traffic than others. 
I can help you decide and get you connected with a strong web presence. 

I look at what you do, and what you want and create a game plan. I work with what you are looking for, what you can afford and what will be more beneficial to get you more traffic.
Plus I always stay in touch with you and keep you up to date about what's going on and what i've been doing.

I offer 3 different package deals. Bronze, silver, and gold. 
I also handle minimal website creation/updating, and can get you a sharp looking site. 

Basic Information about me:
Part time: Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 5-7 hours a day. 
(those days in between are a good rest on posting for social networking- don't wanna overdo it!)
5-7 hours a day working for all my businesses.
Weekly Hours: 30 and under. 
My hourly rate: $20
Payment Accepted: Pay-pal or Personal Checks
Email address:

Not sure how I can help? Have additional questions?
Shoot me an email, I'll answer promptly and am excited to help in any way!
Enjoy your week and thanks for visiting!

Simply Franee Marketing

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