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Saturday, January 25, 2014

What I want from my Valentine

Did you know that Valentine's day is my favorite holiday ever!?
I'm not sure why.
I think it's the colors. Pink and red. And hearts. and celebrating love. 
And gifties.
Not that it should be about that at all.
But I do feel really pretty and loved when I get something on Valentine's day.
It's just something I adore. 

This year, I want it all so it seems.
I would feel like a Queen if I got all of it, but come on, there's a lot there that I want.
I would be beyond SPOILED.
For example,
I want this ring on etsy. SOOO BAD. I usually don't crave rings but this, I want my sweetie to get me!!

I want, macaroons from TC Paris, a little french boutique down the road. Maybe some fancy chocolates too.

I want a new lipstick in a cool shade. Call me old fashioned but lipstick from your honey, is a real treat.

My all time FAVORITE perfume. Our honeymoon gave out these as the toiletries. I fell in love with the scent.

I want flowers of course! I can't say I mind what kind but something pretty. Flowers are beautiful always.

And of course, I'd love lingerie. ;) Even if it was just pretty stockings. 

Though I can honestly say, that even if I get one of these things, I will feel loved.
I know my honey will outdo himself, because he's the best ever.
Just thought i'd share with all of you what goes through this mind when Valentine's day is around the corner!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you gets lots of gifties for V-Day. I'm buying myself chocolates.
