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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Palazoo Riggi, Saratoga Springs

So this weekend I discovered a luxurious delicacy.
A house larger than life and its considered a Palazzo. 
I had an idea that Saratoga Springs had a lot of money.
I had no idea they had a family living here with this much!
I am not one to judge, I hear very negative things about the Riggis, and there are some positive things.
People tend to be mean and assume they know all, but I just thought their house was jaw dropping amazing.
If you are curious about learning more about the family, google Palazzo Riggi and judge it for yourself.
Here is the run down that I know:
I know that The Riggis own 36 dogs, mainly small toy breeds.
Some rescued some bought.
I know that they were offered a Reality TV Show gig with E but declined.
I know they donate a ton of money to local arts organizations throughout town.
Some of what the mansion entails of the following:
11 bathrooms
6 bedrooms
Authentic English Pub
Balinese Wellness Spa
A heated lawn (to keep the dogs paws warm in all climates)
A home Theater
A basement Gym
A bowling ally
Dog Room

Simply Amazing to walk by. Fenced all in, an amazing courtyard behind the house. Beautiful stone all over.
It was truly an amazing house and whoever built it for them must truly be proud.
I would have died to see the inside. Only Google offers a few of those but obviously not all.
Here are the pics I got:


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