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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sept 13-15th

Hi All,
This weekend our great friends Dave and Danielle came up for a visit!
Being in a new town with all sorts of fun things, I was excited to show them it all.
I also wanted to check out a few places that I didn't get to see as well.
We accomplished quite a lot Saturday!
First we walked to the downtown strip of shops.
Beautiful and fun shops though I never seem to take any pictures when I am there for some reason?
Then we stopped to get some breakfast at Compton's diner. One of the best breakfast joints near me.
I had my new favorite, Eggs Benedict. DELICIOUS!
Then we continued on our walk and I took them to Congress park to see the park.
We drank water from the springs, for good luck of course. 
Then we walked and watched the ducks and found our way taking a stroll through the event of the weekend: Art in the Park.
Some beautiful art pieces were there and as we continued our way we came across a second event:
Civil War Encampment. 
That was cool to see all the little tents and people dressed from the Civil War era. 
There, we pet Jack, a famous horse who has been in several movies, on covers of books, and the best horse in the Civile War Encampment. For more luck, we thought it would be necessary to pet him.
Too bad we didn't get a lotto ticket with all this luckiness we were trying to make happen.
Oh well.
After that we strolled on back home to jump in the car and head else where.
Next up was the mansion walk!
I knew Rock St/South Broadway had some pretty houses because Kev and I turned around there one time. 
But we never actually went down there.
So I decided to take them there and discover it for ourselves.
And boy was I right.
GORGEOUS houses door to door, and one in particular, the famous Palazzo Riggi Estate
I didn't know much about this place but after some research I learned what it was and all about the Riggis of Saratoga Springs. 
Refer to my Palazzo Riggi Post to learn more but let's just say, ALOT of money.
I did snap some pictures of the beauties as we walked. 
Here is what I saw:
 After being stunned by that walk we headed to the Yaddo Gardens :)
Its so so pretty. Especially in the full bloom, since most were dying off when I saw it.
Refer to my Yaddo Gardens post to learn more about that adventure.
Once we finished that we headed back home to nap up. 
I didn't nap but they certainly did.
This is when I did more research about the Riggi Family and their royalty in Saratoga Springs.
I hadn't a clue and learned so much.
Later Kev got home from work, we had some guacamole and chips, some Woodchuck Hard Cider, and headed out to do some bar hopping!
We only went to 3 places and I only had 3 drinks but boy were they strongggggg. 
It was so much fun and nice to be able to just walk home when we wanted.
Today, we took Dave and Danielle to the Farmers Market.
We had some stuffed cabbage and rice for breakfast- DELISH! and then just walked around a bit before Kev headed off to work.
Then they too left.
My house needed some tender loving care so I did some cleaning and now I am blogging away :)
Thought I'd share my weekend with the world wide web :) 
Hope everyone enjoyed theirs as much as we enjoyed ours!

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